Saturday, September 9, 2023

Lasts But Not Leasts

I saw these tomatoes my spouse had picked out of our community garden today and they looked so pretty in his black colander.  There was even a pepper in the mix.

 Included in this mix are several types of cherry tomatoes, including a black tomato (the ones that look purplish.

So I was inspired to take some pictures in our flower garden at home.  I found some lasts or near lasts that probably won't be around for September 15 (Garden Bloggers Bloom Day)


Cardinal flower - just a couple of little sprigs left.

Last hibiscus flower of the season.

One of the last of the reblooming yellow daylily.

And a surprise.  Our purple tall phlox is past its bloom but the other day I saw a differently colored one in almost full bloom.  A volunteer?  I hope this lasts until Friday.  It's so pretty.

Lasts in the garden always make me a little sad, especially knowing that fall is just about here.  One day in the near future, I'll look at these pictures and wonder "was there ever a growing season full of flowers?" as I scan the snow filled yard.

But not just yet.

Enjoy while we can!


  1. ...the gardening season flew by!

  2. Garden blooming day photos are a blast to see.

  3. Lovely flowers
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  4. Sure, you'll miss the blooms, but will you miss the heat? I'm going to be so glad once things cool off.

  5. My tomatoes are finally ripening! And the cardinal flower is indeed on its last legs. My hibiscus has buds but hasn't opened yet! That's a nice reblooming lily you have! Thanks for the reminder that GBBD is coming up!


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