Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Signs and Candy Nostalgia Continued #WordlessWednesday

 Parking signs in a lot at the Fly Creek Cider Mill and Orchard in Fly Creek, New York.

This is a busy place, and when we parked at first, I didn't notice what our spot required.  Fortunately, we qualify.
So I started to look at other signs. 

Moving on

I just want to note here (I've written on the topic a couple of times), anyone can get breast cancer.
Humor mixed in with health advice.

I also wanted to thank everyone who commented on my candy nostalgia post yesterday.  I do have readers who do not live or grow up in the United States, and I didn't want to leave anyone out.  I blogged about candy nostalgia, which, for me, was the United States.  Candy nostalgia isn't just for Americans, though, and I should have known that because there is a store in Victor, New York (we visited last year and I hope it is still there) called the Exotic Snack Factory that sells candy and other sweets from all over the world.  

Even brands familiar to Americans can take on different tastes in other countries, which I know from my love of British Cadbury as vs. American.

For my several Canadian readers, here's a link to a store selling nostalgic Canadian candy:  I'd love to hear from other readers with their candy favorites.


Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...did the Exotic Snack Factory have Goo Goo Cluster, Nashville's Official Candy?

  2. Love it.

  3. Those are funny, but a good reminder to people. When Mondelez took over Cadburys the flavour changed and we Brits didn't like it. Apparently the British version uses more cocoa and fats. The American version has a higher sugar content. Mondelez invested in the original Bournville factory in Birmingham UK, and now a lot more Cadburys chocolate is once again made here.

  4. Made me giggle but can also make people think :-)

    Have a signtastic week 👍

  5. Great health advice. I can park in the female spots.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. I worked with a man who got breast cancer and he was unbelievably embarrassed and wouldn't talk about it. Yeah, it can happen to anyone. The signs are cute.

    1. A relative's in-law died from cancer, and while it wasn't my business what kind, the person was too embarrassed to have anyone know "where" it was. That just led to speculation and it's still discussed.

  7. Lol ~ fun signs ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. I would actually avoid places with parking signs like that. Especially health related, as they aren't doctors. I guess I'm taking them too seriously. It just rubs me the wrong way. As you say, anyone can get breast cancer. Men aren't encouraged to have a prostate exam until they are in their mid-fifties. As far as flossing daily, my dentist said it wasn't necessary. I later looked it up and the US government guidelines dropped that recommendation nearly a decade ago. Good, I never remembered! What are they going to do if a woman parks where the prostate sign is, or a man where it reads "woman"? Yeah, I'm too serious about it! It irrationally sets me off.
    Anyway, I'm pretty much a Scrooge about what I think of as "cutesy."

  9. Actually there’s another store here in Long Island that sells nostalgic candy and candy from other countries.

  10. I had never seen Wrigley's "PK" pellet gum (like Chiclets) until I went to Australia. They don't even sell it in Chicago (where Wrigley is, or was, based).

  11. For the first time I saw these kind of signs. It's nice to see these kind of thoughts.
    Happy WW and a fine week! ❤️😘

  12. This is very clever signs for health messages!

  13. What a fun idea for signs to get people thinking about health.

  14. Man, I got to get this blogging together! Nice Post Girlfriend!!! Love the signs!!!

  15. Candy is so fun. As are those signs.

  16. Pretty creative signs. It’s great to combine social commentary and give everyone a smile in this way.

  17. I love a little bit of whimsy in my reality!
    And thank you for the shout-out to us Canadian sweet tooth(s)!


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