Thursday, October 26, 2023

Fancy Fall Finery and First Dark Eyed Junco #ThursdayTreeLove

A note to my readers:  I had thought about pulling this post prewritten yesterday afternoon and, instead, blogging about the tragedy last night in Lewiston, Maine.  I've decided to go ahead with this post.  

I may be blogging more about our ongoing American tragedy this Saturday, when the latest facts are more clear. 

So, for today, a different topic.

Winter is just around the corner.  The birds have told me so.

Well, one bird did.  Yesterday, I saw my first dark eyed junco (Junco hyemalis).  These sparrows spend the summer in Canada, and then they move south and winter to their south, including where I live in the Southern Tier of New York.

When we see them, we know snow can't be far away in the future.  Yet, it is so mild today.

We have fall color finally.  It crept up on us with all the cloudy weather.  We've had sun on and off the last few days, just in time to present to you the beauty of nature.

Tree against blue sky and clouds, October 20.

Japanese knotweed and trees.

Our neighborhood.

 Rust colored.

Joining Parul at Happiness and Food for #ThursdayTreeLove.


  1. The tragedy in Maine has left me speechless….

    But your tree pictures reaffirm the beauty in this world.

    My yard is covered in pine cones, pine needles and leaves. Ah, fall …

  2. ...Japanese knotweed is nasty and there is a lot of it in your area.

  3. Ah, Dark-eyed Juncos, one of my favorite winter birds. They usually get to us in late November/early December. Something to look forward to.

  4. Winter is coming. And the trees are starting to know it. (Better to skip the latest tragedy that will be followed by another in the not too distant future. Deep, deep sigh.)

  5. Lovely series of autumn colors photos ~

    Yes, so sad about Maine killings ~ world seems to get crazier ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. So so sad about Maine. My daughter sent me a link and I watched. Horrifying.

  7. Thank you for the wonderful tree photos

  8. Love these photos. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Superb!! I look forward to your Fall colour posts every year!! A treat indeed!! Thanks!!

  10. Lovely colors and so happy you shared. Fall is indeed beautiful.

  11. I've traveled to NY during the summers, so thanks for this glimpse inside a NY autumn. They must be stunning!


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