Sunday, October 22, 2023

Maybe the Last Flowers of the Season

It's been so cloudy and sometimes rainy where I live in the Southern Tier of New York that we haven't had a frost yet.

Now, it's time to say goodbye to the flowers of summer, as we prepare for our first frost.



Yellow zinnia.

Then there were the multicolored zinnias.

Pink and yellow.

Just opening.
This plant was sold to us as a wasabi radish.  I doubt very much it is (for one thing, they are very hard to grow) but the root is large and it has been churning out flowers all summer.  Now there are a lot of seed pods on the plant, but it keeps on going.  I'd really like to know what plant this is.  My iPhone has a built in ID app and it says only "radish".

Last but not least, I figured this was an aster - I am not growing this but happened to see it the other day.  The built in ID says this is a panicled aster.

Adios, growing season.


  1. If they are the last then summer is going out in a blaze of glory.

  2.'s nice to see flower, my garden is cut back and ready for winter.

  3. These are all magnificent flowers! How lovely to be able to experience them during summer.

  4. I hope you find out what that radish really is

  5. Enjoy the last of the flowers. They'll be back sooner than you realize.

  6. We got a good frost last night. I woke to lots of shriveled plants. More clean up. Thanks for sharing your pics. It adds a litte sunshine to my morning.

  7. Love the flowers and the Zinnia was my Oma's favourite next the Dahlia. I should save the photo of that and look it up on Picture This to find out the plant.


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