Tuesday, November 28, 2023

A Barbie Christmas

The movie Barbie was a tremendous success here in the United States and worldwide, grossing over $1.38 million U.S. dollars.  I still haven't seen the movie, but I owned a Barbie in my youth, and I would love to see the movie one day. 

Earlier this month, I had the next best thing.

The annual O Tannenbaum Christmas display and auction at the Tioga County, New York Historical Society is up and running, and the entries will be on display until December 16.  Many of these trees (actually, just the ornaments) are auctioned off in a silent auction.  A clipboard with a sheet is next to each tree and people write their bids there.

This year there were at least three Barbie inspired trees.

This tree included a Barbie tree topper.  In case there was any doubt, even the tree skirt was Barbie inspired.  For me, though, the Barbie tree topper head was a bit - creepy?
I didn't have much room to maneuver for some of these and I was trying to get the entire tree.  The detail may be hard to see.
This tree was called "Vintage Barbie".

I did get a closeup of this tree, which included some Hallmark ornaments.

For those of my readers who celebrate Christmas, do you do themed trees in your house?


  1. So pretty. Barbie was a big part of my life, and of my daughters’ lives. They loved the movie. I haven’t seen it yet.

  2. Cats kind of precluded trees in this house...

  3. ...years ago we had a pink theme Christmas tree, it was striking.

  4. This is Birgit and I say…no way! I would never want this type of tree. Ick but each their own.

  5. My tree now consists of 50 years of collecting Hallmark ornaments and those I have purchased on my travels. Actually, I have two Hallmark trees.

  6. No themes for me - simply my traditional ornaments. My girls were big Barbie fans when they were little and our house was always strewn with Barbie stuff, but frankly, I find the idea of a Barbie-themed tree just a bit gross.

  7. Agreed, that Barbie head topper is creepy.

  8. I don't celebrate, but I do enjoy seeing the lights and the trees. I prefer, just as a spectator, the more traditionally decorated trees.

  9. I loved Barbie as a kid! I'm not impressed by a Barbie themed Christmas tree. That takes quite the fan to bid on something like this! lol

  10. I too thought that Barbie head was disturbing! I had a Barbie. One. My friend had every one that came out, which was not as many as now. I had one, an early one in the zebra swimsuit, bubble hair cut, and pearl earrings. Even in 1969 when we had a garage sale she was a collectors items. A man used a magnifier to read her info! My mother sewed my clothes, and would make skirts and hats for Barbie, the hat decorated with my parakeet feather. A woman relative loved the movie.

  11. Barbie... I remember all the gals in town and school occupied for hours by her.


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