Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day November 2023 #WordlessWednesday

It's the 15th of the month and another Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

The first frost and freeze have come and gone in my zone 5b area of New York State.  Only some stray kale, carrots, and swiss chard remain in the garden.  The bounty of flowers are a memory.

I scrounged for flowers this November 15 and found more than I thought I would.  The same probably won't be true for December, but one month at a time.

Let's see what I found.


Plectranthus, which I informally call a Charlie plant.  Years ago, a woman in Ithaca, New York gave me a cutting.  What I have now are cuttings from that original plant.  When I asked her what it was, she said it was a "Charlie plant". Why will always remain a mystery.

Airplane plant is putting out little airplanes.  This is the flower that proceeds the airplane babies.

One of my Thanksgiving cactii is blooming. The other (not shown) may be open by later today.

A wider view.

Hanging baskets:  my two remaining sunpatiens.

 I've taken their hanging baskets inside.

Finally, this cuphea pot didn't make it - or did it?  The part of the pot nearly up against the house must have been close enough to the house and a little piece of one of the plants survived.

Joining two linkups today:  Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, hosted every 15th of the month by Carol at May Dream Gardens, and Wordless Wednesday, hosted by Sandee at Comedy Plus. 


  1. I’m surprised you found so many flowers. The cacti look great.

  2. What a fine presentation. I learn about Charlie plant! Never heard till now!
    Happy WW and a fine week! ❤️😘

  3. You did well finding these and what a nice mix :-)

    Have a bloomingtastic week 👍

  4. That first white bloom. So delicate. Ahh.

  5. Beautiful. We've not had a freeze here yet, but it's coming.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Hugs. ♥

  6. Lovely! It just proves that if you look for beauty, you can find it!

  7. That's a great haul for November. It's amazing how many flowers seem to be around even for the lean months.

  8. Beautiful floral macro shots ~ so delicate at times too

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. It's nice to see blooming flowers late in the season. Sometimes even in December I see flowers still. It's really odd. Your hunt is sure to get more challenging next month.

  10. Love to see the last of the blooms outside.

  11. Your bloom hunt went well given the dictates of your climate! I wonder if the woman who gave you the Plectranthus confused it with Glechoma hederacea, aka "creeping charlie"? They're both in the same family (Lamiaceae).

  12. I got nothing but brown leaves. We have had frost every morning this week.

  13. The bloom looks very nice. Love the flowers.

  14. Your Thanksgiving cactus is such a pretty color.

  15. So smart to start looking indoors! We have our first Christmas Cactus flower this week, so perhaps they will last til Dec 15 :) Happy very belated GBBD and Thanksgiving!


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