Sunday, November 26, 2023

Park Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

 Shadows seen on a walk in the park yesterday on a rare clear sky November afternoon.

Taken around 3pm (the sun sets at 4:36 pm) the long shadows of trees.

Sapling planted last spring (2022) protected by tubes.  This baby tree still has its leaves, as you can see by their shadow inside the tube.

Bench and sign shadow.

Joining up with Magical Mystical Teacher's #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...this is the long shadow time of year.

  2. Unbelievably long shadows! How long are those baby trees in tubes? Seems like once the tubes are removed the baby twigs won't have any strength. Like how tying a tree to a stake doesn't allow it to grow strength on its own. Maybe it's your snowy weather.

  3. Love the shadows here. Artistic.

  4. It looks like it was a bright day.

  5. Yep, this is the season of the long shadows.

  6. Ah yes. Long shadows here too... (when the sun comes out at all!)


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