Friday, December 29, 2023

A Rare Blue Sky #SkywatchFriday

Its the last Skywatch Friday post of 2023.

I could have rerun some of the best sky pictures of 2023.  I could have dug out a great sunset or two (in fact, I still owe you photos of the November 9 sunset I started to show you several weeks ago).  But I did none of that.

It's been such a strange December.  Not only don't we have snow on the ground, but yesterday, where I live in the Southern Tier of New York, our high temperature was 52F (11.1 C) and our low was 47 (8.33 C) which also resulted in mist and drizzle. Our high was 20 degrees above average and our low was 27 degrees above average.

So I am going to end the year with pictures from December 20-23 because this wasn't our usual skies.

A local park, still flooded from heavy rains a couple of days before.  No picnic today.  No walking unless you were a Canada goose.

 Stoically, the trees sleep on.  Are they aware that they are sitting in icy water?

It did make for some interesting lighting, though.

December 22.
At this time of year, we are starved for blue skies.
But, by December 23, the clouds have returned.  Here, ice and water and reflections of the cloudy sky.  Welcome back to reality.
Earlier that day we had heard caroling in one of Binghamton, New York's historic buildings.

Now, today, we count the days and hours before a new year.

Wishing each of my readers a Happy New Year and many beautiful skies for 2024.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Nice skies. The weather has been weird here, too

  2. I really appreciate the bluer skies in the winter when the days are shorter and often the skies are grey.

  3. A speculative series of skies and sceneries

  4. What a nice weather treat for closing out 2023! Those skies are beautiful. Have a very Happy New Year!

  5. A lot of water, but beautiful skies and clouds.

  6. Lovely photos! I especially love the first one! It looks like it would make a great puzzle topic! And the one taken during the caroling. Just beautiful!
    We have been enjoying blue skies here! Today it was thawing! Yow!

  7. Skies are suposed to be blue? I must have forgotten as I don't remember the last time I saw blue. Grey, grey, fog, more grey.... Oh, and rain.

  8. Lovely sky photos and you are right ~ weather has been strange to say the least ~ Happy New Year to you ~ whatever the weather might bring ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Beautiful pictures, may your 2024 be filled with blue skies and happy days!

  10. Sorry for the weird weather, but perhaps you are not. I hope you enjoy the relative warmth for as long as you have it.

  11. I love "Stoically, the trees sleep on", yep that is what they do.
    Wishing you a great 2024!


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