Thursday, December 21, 2023

Easy Chocolate Milk Pudding

Today, in the Northern Hemisphere, it's the first day of winter.

It's close to Christmas, and I would bet that some of my readers are feeling pretty stressed.  They would love an easy, three ingredient dessert.

I've written several posts about making a cooked pudding with almond milk.  I am not allergic to cow's milk but I prefer almond milk for a couple of reasons.

But recently, I was gifted some chocolate milk from Vermont, and I thought to myself, I have here almost all I need to make a quick chocolate pudding.   Why not celebrate the first day of winter?

So, yesterday, I assembled the ingredients.

1 pint (16 oz) cold chocolate milk

3 1/2 tbsp potato starch (you can also use cornstarch)

1 tsp vanilla extract.

All I did was combine the ingredients in a saucepan and then cooked it on low heat until it thickened, which took about five or six minutes.  Then I poured it into 4 serving cups.

It will make two desserts for the two of us.  I might even get fancy and top each pudding cup with a chocolate covered almond or cashew.  One could also use chocolate covered coffee beans if caffeine isn't an issue.

I think some may find this not chocolatey enough but I didn't want to add cocoa because then I'd have to add more sugar.

If you try it, please let me know if you liked it.


  1. Home made chocolate pudding … my mother used to make My-T-Fine, but these days I just buy ready-made.

  2. ...I haven't had chocolate pudding in ages!

  3. That looks good, and much easier than the usual home made pudding.

  4. I had no idea it was that easy.

  5. I don’t think I have ever had chocolate pudding, easy or otherwise.


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