Sunday, December 24, 2023

Flood Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

This past week, my area of the Northeast United States was hit by heavy rains.  Our local park flooded, and, as the waters receded, there was an opportunity for some shadow photography.

Mud on the walking path.  You can see the patterns made by the flood waters and mud, and shadows from nearby trees.
These two pictures were taken on December 20, and we had an actual sunny day.  Those aren't common during the winter in this area.

Because this is Christmas Eve, here is a Christmas tree at our local Home for the Holidays display. I hope to post more pictures of this annual event (a little late, I know) right after Christmas.

Have a happy Christmas Eve, and Merry Christmas to my readers who celebrate.

Joining Magical Mystical Teacher for #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. So far, we've had a pretty dry season but we are getting the gift of rain today, just in time for Christmas. Have a wonderful holiday season, Alana, and may the coming year be your best yet!

  2. I thought about you as the rains moved through here and headed your way. We got spared though. Puddles but no flooding.

  3. That first photo is quite interesting, the patterns and shadows.

  4. Wish you a Merry Christmas. Nice photos and I also wish you all dry out soon. Be well!


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