Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Oh Commercial Christmas Trees #WordlessWednesday

Seen in a gift shop and the local mall.

Two Christmas trees.   Let's see how they are decorated.

Let's call this one The Fast Food Tree
Yummy food.

Santa's home in the Mall.

And the train that brought him.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. ...our tree is a memory tree of things that we have collect over the last 55 years.

  2. What beautiful shots. I think I'll go to the mall to see all the decorations. I've not done that in several years.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. I haven't been in the mall proper (just into Kohl's to return an Amazon purchase) in years. I ought to go and take a look at what they've done for Christmas.

  4. Fun Xmas trees ~ try not to do 'malls' anymore ~ but glad you did to get these wonderful photos "~ thanks ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Beautiful atmosphere with all these decorations and Christmas tree.
    Happy WW and a fine week! ❤️😘

  6. People get pretty creative with their trees these days if they stray from traditional. Some of our dog sports friends decorate a tree with the ribbons they have earned with their dog.

  7. That's a clever theme for the tree. I bet lots of places are doing ornaments as a promotion.

  8. You remind me of festive seasons!

  9. Lovely trees. I try to add a few new decorations every year.

  10. Interesting concept for Christmas tree decor! ☺ I'm more of a traditionalist, but I admire the decorators' imaginations.


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