Thursday, February 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day February 2024

Winter has returned to my zone 6a (recently reclassed from zone 5b) New York State garden.  But today is Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, and time to celebrate what is blooming inside and outside.

Our high yesterday was 30F (-1.1C) and breezy.  After on and off mild temperatures it was a shock.  But the good news is, I have an outdoor flower in the garden.

This white Lenten Rose doesn't bloom every year.  Sometimes it puts out buds in late December and then bitterly cold weather comes along.  That's what happened last year - the flowers died before the buds could open.  But this year we have the flowers, and we've had them for several weeks now.

Let's move it indoors.

One of my Thanksgiving cactii lost track of the calendar and put out three flowers.  They are just about finishing up.

Each year I take cuttings of my impatiens and root them indoors.  Here's what is happening with them.  One is blooming....
One almost blooming.

One of my Tradescentia plants (I have three varieties) is blooming.  The blooms are small but they count.

One of my three African violet plants is blooming.  I somehow almost killed this one, and I guess it has forgiven me.
One more.  Let's go outside and see my other Lenten Rose, which blooms in March, putting out buds.

Thank you's go, once again, to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for her 15th of the month Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.


  1. the park this week, helleborus had buds and snowdrops and winter aconites were blooming.

  2. Very pretty!
    The Thanksgiving Cactus is giving you a Valentine's Day present!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  3. Alana, your white Lenten Rose is gorgeous! And so is the Thanksgiving cactus--do you know the name of the variety? I've been looking for a red or coral color for my collection. It's fascinating that you are almost on the same USDA Zone as I am, though I live much farther south--my area in Virginia is in zone 6b.

  4. The garden colours are boosting morale

  5. I've given up on trying to do inside plants because...cats. But yours are lovely.

  6. That's a pretty good haul for this time of year.

  7. I use to have pots and pots of impatiens as as we sometimes call them "busy lizzies". They are so pretty though.

  8. I wish my hellebores were more serious about blooming. Enjoy them and your indoor blooms!

  9. Nice. I have pretty much given up on house plans.

  10. That's so nice you have a sunny spot indoors to overwinter things. I don't. I didn't realize how dark my house was until I moved in.

  11. My mom grew a Christmas cactus indoors that was quite large, and always full of lovely blooms around Christmas time. I never could get one to grow as well for me. You have beautiful February flowers. I have never seen Tradescentia blooms. Very beautiful with the colorful leaves.


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