Sunday, February 25, 2024

Snow and Sun #ShadowshotSunday

 After a day in the deep freeze, we are going to be back above freezing.

Plants from my flower garden covered in snow, February 17.
Several days later, shadows on the Vestal Rail Trail.  Our snow is almost all melted.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.  Why not come out of the shadows, if you have one or more shadowy pictures, and join us?


  1. It's cold here, but no precipitation. One day I am outside clearing branches, the next I am back in my winter coat and gloves fighting a biting wind.

  2. ...and we have sun, but no snow.

  3. That first is an extra pretty picture. I like how shadows on snow are blue.

  4. What little snow we had is almost completely melted

  5. Amazing that those pics are within days of one another.

  6. Oh, nice! The snow will be gone soon.


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