Saturday, March 9, 2024

Earliest Crocus #ShadowshotSunday

I'm posting my #ShadowshotSunday on Saturday, as I'll be posting something else tomorrow.

Shadow of a gate at a local park.

Meanwhile, my crocus are coming out.  This is, I believe, the earliest blooms ever for me.  These pictures were taken yesterday, when we almost reached 60F.  Today, we are under a flood watch and will have heavy rain changing to snow at some point.  Tomorrow is supposed to be even worse.

Spring, please come back.  In the meantime, some white crocuses.


Also, we have two purple ones but they aren't open yet (and won't be in this gloomy weather).

Have a great weekend. 

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.  Why not come out of the shadows and join us with a shadow picture of your own?


  1. thecontemplativecat here. March does seem early. They are beautiful.

  2. Congratulations on the crocus! I like the gate shadow, and I see even the little crocus are casting some.

  3. The crocuses look good.

    We’ve got some flowers coming up. I didn’t plant 6hem so I don’t know what they are. I think 5herecare daffodils, tulips, and someth8nfbelde.

  4. Sweet little crocuses, harbingers of spring.

  5. It's like your weather isn't sure if it wants to be spring or stay winter.

  6. Gates make great shadows and so do blooms in the sunlight.


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