Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Not (in Vain) #AtoZChallenge

 In blogging life, one can pre write a post but something comes up that you really want to talk about - this is one of those times.  My intended post for today will be published at a later date.

CONTENT WARNING - injuries, dying, death, organ donation.

Last week a man I know (not well but I know others who knew him better) started to walk across an intersection I, and many others, have crossed many times.  It's in front of a department store in downtown Binghamton, New York, an area with a lot of pedestrian traffic.

He never made it across.  He was hit by an SUV traveling in the other direction that made a left turn, hitting him.  The SUV left the scene at a high rate of speed, according to witnesses. The police caught up with the driver, a 17 year old boy, later that day.

The pedestrian arrived at the hospital with a severe brain injury and internal bleeding.  The hospital did what they could.  The family was summoned.

The next day, the pedestrian was declared brain dead.  He was only 45.   But, his story does not end there. 

Why?  Because he was also an organ donor.

I can not imagine what the pedestrian's family has gone through since they were notified of the accident.

I also never knew the process for what happens in a situation like this. What I found out, from someone who knew him better, is that the pedestrian (we'll call him the donor going forward) was kept on life support a couple of more days after he was declared brain dead.  

Then, when it was time, a special ceremony called an Honor Walk was held.   This ceremony is explained at length here, but basically, all available hospital personnel line up from the donor's room to an operating room, and the donor's family accompanies the donor to the operating room.  Special music or other honoring gestures can be requested by the donor's family.

His gifts from his untimely death in a hit and run accident might benefit more than one person.

My drivers license has the organ donation endorsement, because I made this decision years ago. It's an intensely personal decision.

If you are curious about religion and organ donation, and haven't made your decision yet, there is a lot of information online, including this discussion, that may help you.

One man's life was taken in a tragic accident, but his death will not be in vain.

May he rest in peace and may his family find peace in his final sacrifice.

"N" day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme:  Gardens, History, Art and The Unexpected.


  1. Sorry for your loss. Tomorrow is not promised. What a difficult decision his family faced.

  2. It must be of some comfort to the family to know that someone else will benefit from his kind donations. It's hard, though, to think of the operations that must be carried out.

  3. ...being in hurry never pays off.

  4. That is so tragic. Both my oldest son and my mother were hit by hit-and-run drivers. Both survived. I too am an organ donor. I have a double left kidney - joined at the top- so you would get two for the price of one.

  5. What a very sad story. SUV drivers need to be so careful. That is a very honorable thing, organ donation.

  6. So sorry about your loss. It's a shock, even if you didn't know the person well.

    I had no idea the organ donation process was so ceremonial, but it makes sense, doesn't it? It is an important occasion.

    Wishing the family peace.


  7. I don't think it can be understated how important being an organ donor is. I did have a proud dad moment when my youngest was getting their driver's license. When asked if they wanted to be an organ donor they said "organ donor? Fuck yes! Sorry, yes." I could not even be mad at that.
    Tim Brannan
    The Other Side: 2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons.

  8. I'm an organ donor too. Except I am getting so old, mine might be beyond their expiration date.
    That is so sad that someone would lose their life crossing the road. Even when I have right of way, I am so cautious with cars when I am in the parking lot.

  9. Such an incredibly sad story. I hope out of all this sadness, a life is saved.

  10. This is a touching post. I am also a donor.

  11. This is Birgit. I’m hoping the family can feel something hopeful from his organ donation. This is cruel and I hope the 17 yr old loses his license for good and goes to jail. I hear this too much in Toronto, almost daily with 98% leaving the scene. I find that deplorable

  12. An important and timely post, Alana. Thanks for sharing it.


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