Friday, April 19, 2024

Queens #SkywatchFriday #AtoZChallenge

 In June of 2023, my spouse and I made a short trip to Queens (one of the five boroughs of New York City) to attend a wedding.  Let me take you along for some pictures of the sky, and also a renowned botanical garden.

 Sky pictures for Skywatch Friday:  Welcome to Queens. 

Along the highway.  Many people who visit New York City only see the tall buildings of Manhattan. There's a lot more to the city.

For example, Queens neighborhoods. This one, according to my phone, is called Fresh Meadows-Utopia, which may lead me to a post another time.  Meanwhile, enjoy all these foods jammed in together on one block. So New York City.

Finally, a plane against the sky.  The Queens Botanical Gardens is along LaGuardia Airport's flight path, so it is noisy.  Quite noisy.

For the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, pictures from the Queens Botanical Gardens.

They are noted for their roses, which were in full bloom.

More roses.

Potted plants

"Q" day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme:  Gardens, History, Art and The Unexpected.

Also joining Yogi and other skywatching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. It's refreshing to see another aspect of New York - thank you:-)

  2. A wonderful collection of floral blooms!

  3. ...this would be my kind of NYC neighborhood.

  4. When people hear “NYC” they think of Manhattan, but there is so much more to the city …

  5. Lovely post and photos! I'm sure enjoying your A to Z posts, seeing more of this area I know very little about. I love to wander through gardens like this.

  6. It's always fun to explore different New York neighborhoods.

  7. Great Q! I like how you were able to do Q and show skies at the same time.

  8. The beautiful flowers are well worth putting up with the noise. Can't wait until it's warm enough to plant my outdoor pots and watch the flowers grow.

  9. Beautiful skies. And not the way I pictured Queens at all. I love the church next to the psychic next to the bagel shop next to the Chicken N Shakes!!

  10. I went to a wedding in the city outside of the city some years ago, It was amazing to see how much more New York is than we think it is. Thanks for sharing.

  11. There was a joke in "Desperately Seeking Susan": "Who's from Queens? You're from Queens? Too bad, my parents are normal..."

  12. oh my..., I didn't notice a church jammed between different types of food establishments :-). that's a great image. and, yes, so different than what "NYC" represents in heads of us non natives.

  13. Lovely sky and floral photos ~ delightful ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Looks like you had a good day there.

  15. Yay! My borough at last! And you're so right about the planes. I took a gardening workshop at Queens Botanical Garden last month and the instructor kept having to pause as planes flew over. But it's still lovely and a lasting reminder of the 1964-64 World's Fair.


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