Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tioga County New York #AtoZChallenge

Welcome to Tioga County, New York, the county just west of the Binghamton, New York area.  We are visiting Tioga County virtually today, partially because I enjoy visiting its county seat, the Village of Owego, and partially because there are a lot of interesting things to discover.

Let's start our journey in the Village of Owego.

One year, there was some remodeling and I took this picture of art posted on a wall built during the reconstruction.

One of the village's historic houses.

An antique piano.

A little hard to see, but this is the Baker Foreman's Fountain.  This is a memorial to a fireman's son who was killed in an accident in 1913.  The fountain was restored in 2019.  This photo was taken in October 2019, I believe shortly after the renovation was finished.  I couldn't get close to it because it was still roped off.

Each year, my spouse and I visit the Tioga County Historical Society in late November and early December.  One year, I found this picture hanging in the basement, where the offices are (I was visiting a seasonal gift shop down there).  In talking to staff, I was told this is a colorized Matthew Brady print f an 1863 photo of Abraham Lincoln.  What a find!  (The piano above also belongs to the Society.)

Let's also visit the rural areas of Tioga County.  These next photos were taken at a couple of farms during an open house event.  

I believe this was taken at Twin Brook farms near Owego.

Tioga County chickens.

Englebert Farms in Nichols, New York, during an open house several years ago.  This farm was the first certified organic dairy farm in the United States.  It is still family operated by a family who has been in this country since at least 1848.  Their farm store is a treasure.  This picture was taken near or at the farm.

Art, history, an unexpected find in a basement, and scenery - I hope you enjoyed today's post.

"T" day in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme: Gardens, history, art, and the unexpected".


  1. Very scenic. Especially liked the artwork. Thank you for taking me places I'd never be able to see otherwise.

  2. I love the photograph of the cow - it looks almost like a painting.

  3. Oh, I hope that cow (or bull, steer, heifer, whatever) isn't always standing in that mud!
    Very pretty picture of that house in the snow, with such a blue sky.

  4. I enjoyed this post and all of your scenic posts in this Challenge. I'm glad to know the historic family dairy farm is still functioning. How cool that they have a store.

  5. That must have been an interesting open house at the farm.

  6. I have to ask: did you get a chicken?

  7. You got a lot of interesting things going on there. Very old and historic. I love it.

  8. That Lincoln portrait is quite a find! And in the basement of all places. Great photos of these Owego highlights.

  9. I love the Southern tier of NY - so pretty!


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