Friday, May 17, 2024

Just an Ordinary Sky #SkywatchFriday

 I am not bringing you pictures of the Northern Lights today- our area was totally clouded out of the entire event.

We've had a lot of cloud cover recently so to have a day with ordinary blue skies is a treasure.  Take May 15, for example.

A peaceful, green scene.

It even looks nice from a walking trail that parallels a highway.

Some reflections on the pond.

But I know you want a sunset, so here is one from March 28.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...there's nothing ordinary about these!

  2. So beautiful.
    I’m working on a project. I’m wondering if you’d would be willing to help.

  3. Love the big puffy white clouds. We've been seeing way too many of the dark ominous ones.

  4. Gorgeous sky photos ~ especially the deep blue and puffy clouds ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Beautiful bright blue skies. Looks like they came out of the washing machine!

  6. Very nice. We're all gloomy as is normal for this time of year. Enjoy your pretty skies.

  7. I love taking photos of the sky and clouds. Maybe I will post some on my old photo blog that's been on hiatus for a long time now.

  8. I like that first one, it looks so peaceful.

  9. These are beautiful skies. Amazing how much you appreciate a blue sky when you haven't seen one for a while!

  10. Wow, these are some beautiful shots! I love the clouds especially.


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