Saturday, May 4, 2024

Roc'ing Star Wars Day - May the 4th Be With You

Star War day, May the 4th,  is an informal holiday in the United States to celebrate all things Star Wars.  It comes from a pun based on the saying from the Star War movies:  "May the force be with you".

I am not a Star Wars superfan but why not have some fun with this?  A year or two ago, I even used AI (one of my few intentional uses of it) to write a Star Wars day blog post (which I did give credit to the AI for.)

This year, my Star Wars celebration was on April 7 and 8th in Rochester, New York, where my spouse, some other family, and I met at the Rochester  [New York] Museum and Science Center for their Roc the Eclipse (yes, another pun) festival.  We went to two of the three days.

Although the total eclipse of the sun on April 8 was totally eclipsed by cloud cover, it was still a fun two days.

 I had known our chances of seeing the eclipse weren't that great, given the skies Western New York enjoys in the first week of April, so we decided on the festival, which gave us admission to the museum, their planetarium and other shows, various exhibits, and lots of exhibitors there for Roc the Eclipse.

A stormtrooper, loyal to the evil Empire, welcomes us.

On the left R2D2; on the right is a droid I'm not familiar with. (I will leave the identification to true Star Wars fans).
A closeup of the mystery droid.   I tried to ID it.
One more.

May the 4th Be With You, dear readers.


  1. May the 4th be with you as well, lol!

  2. Any excuse for a holiday and a bit of fun - I wish we had more in UK.

  3. ...once again, Star War day has passed me by.

  4. Even with the clouds it sounds like you had plenty to do. I mostly just know the first three (what are not the prequels I guess), the original Star Wars! There was a exhibit in San Francisco (maybe 1994, my daughter was in a stroller) on The Art of Star Wars with the actual props used. The Death Star was quite small! Luke's land speeder and Darth Vader's costume, it was a lot of fun.

  5. I am a Star Wars fan but no idea who the droid is. I realized just today that I graduated with my MBA on May 4, 1993. The force was with me.

  6. "Star Wars" has become such an essential part of our cultural history. For those of a certain age, like me, it came along at just the right time in our lives to make an indelible and unforgettable impression.

  7. Fun stuff to see. (The Star Wars Day thing is very helpful in remembering middle nephew's birthday. He turned 14 this year.)


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