Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Bee and Fireflies #WordlessWednesday

 Thank you, all who commented on my post yesterday announcing a blogging break starting Friday.  I appreciate your support.  I will not be participating in #WordlessWednesday next week

Three insect pictures for your consideration.  Please bear with me and my iPhone.

In the first picture I saw this bee with a spot on its back on a sweet pea flower (right center of picture)in my yard.  It's not a great shot to identify the bee with but I noticed a spot on its back.  From what I can find online this may be a female common bumble bee.  

Back on June 30 spouse and I were admiring fireflies (perhaps you call them lightning bugs or lightning beetles) in our back yard.  I wondered if I could take nighttime pictures of them.  I doubted it because they blink on and off.  What my iPhone 13 mini did puzzled me but some quick research told me the camera had automatically shifted into something called Night Mode and applied a one second apeture opening.  Since my phone wasn't on a tripod the fireflies just show as streaks.  I applied a B&W filter (Black and white) which I hoped made the points of light more visible.  The fireflies appear as white dots in the photo.

Here's another attempt.  I left this one in color and, again, the white specs are fireflies.   found out, after the fact, that I could have made a time lapse video instead but that may have come out even worse.  I really need to study iPhone photography.

My next Wordless Wednesday post will be on July 31.  

Joining up with Sandee at Comedy Plus for #WordlessWednesday.


  1. Very clever photography. I’ll miss you while you’re on break.

  2. ...I haven't seem fireflies this year.

  3. Love these.

  4. I've never seen fireflies, but live in hope;-)

  5. Bees work so hard to keep the world alive.

    I've never seen a firefly. I would love to though.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. Blogging every day would be a lot of work. I don't blame you for taking a break!
    Love the fire flies, it's been a few years since I've seen one.

  7. There are all sorts of amazing iPhone photography tricks. I'm sure there are experts out there who could teach us stuff. It's just a matter of finding the info. See you on my birthday ;)

  8. I haven't seen fireflies before either I liked the pics I think they look fine :-)
    Have a tanfastic week and see you in 2 weeks 👍

  9. I don't call them ( fireflies, lightning bugs, and lightning beetles) anything. I don't have them. I've never seen one. There ARE some here, but not the kind that glow. Nice you have them, I read they are becoming less common.

  10. You present all the time interesting images. The fire flies are new for me. And the bee seems to be so big. Probably is an illusion.
    Enjoy the beak. It's a small one. Too small...
    Happy WW and a fine break!❤️😘

  11. Night photography is tricky. You have to have real steady hand to capture moving lights. I haven't tried taking pictures of lightening bugs. If you could find a place away from your any other lights then you'd probably see them better but I do see those little creature flashing on and off. Nice try! Have a good time and don't worry about anything in Blogosphere. We'll miss you but everything will be okay until you return. :)


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