Sunday, July 7, 2024

July Produce Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

 In my community garden plot, green beans. We were able to pick our first ones yesterday.


Squash flower from the other day.

Alas, these plants are being attached by squash bugs and some leaves don't look good.

As seen at a farmers market yesterday.

Peaches (probably from Pennsylvania; they do not grow well locally).

Tomatoes (which may be local; I believe this farmer uses high tunnels).

Orange beets with greens attached.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. Your vegetables are so much further along than mine. My beans were destroyed in yesterday's heat. Nice shadows!

  2. Nicely photographed. The squash blossom reminds me of a lily.

  3. ...I don't think that I would look good if I sat in the garden 24/7 either!

  4. thecontemplativecat here. Loved photos of plants. Last summer a mysterious squash appeared in a small pot. It grew over a few days, we repotted it. it grew about 20 feet. then the sun roasted it. We got 4 squashes. It is exciting to see something grow!

  5. The peaches look delicious. Very expensive in UK.

  6. We haven't planted a veggie garden this year, mainly because health issues interfered, and oh, how I do miss those wonderful home-grown vegetables! They taste so much better than anything one can buy at the market.

  7. Nice produce. Those tomatoes are really red.

  8. Beautiful vegetables. The growing season, even down here, seems rather short.

  9. The tomatoes look really good as do the peaches. I'm hooked on cherries right now. I love fruit!


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