Friday, August 9, 2024

Before the Deluge #SkywatchFriday

Like sand through the hourglass (or is it water?).... are the days of our rain.  This has been one rainy summer and now what is left of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Debby is approaching our area.  So far we have escaped the large rain totals and flooding of other parts of the East Coast, but it's a bit nerve wracking nevertheless due to all the rain we've already receive this year.

I took these puddle pictures yesterday on the Vestal Rail trail.  The sky itself is a grim grey but the puddles are more interesting.

This rain is not from Debby.

Along the margins of the trail are interesting long, narrow puddles.

It drizzles as I take these pictures.

One of the downed trees from the storm we had on Monday.

The weather reports seem to indicate Western New York will be hit harder than us, but all we can do is wait and see.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each week for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. I hope the downpour is not as grim as you fear. It's been a weird year everywhere so far.

  2. We had a lot of rain but no flooding in our area.

  3. We have had a rainy summer, too, and we are expecting remnants from Debbie tonight

  4. I love the way puddles reflect the sky. Nature is always amazing.

  5. I hope that Debby spares you yet more rain. We got a lot of rain in Missouri after Hurricane Beryl. Occasionally the storms that go through Texas do that.

  6. We had a huge storm go through last week. It wasn't bad enough that we lost electricity, and huge tree limbs landed in our backyard, but we stood there looking out the window as shingles from our roof crashed down into the yard.

  7. We are in monsoon season here in Tucson. Flash flooding is sort of normal here, but we have even had a tornado this year. Not typical! Here's to hoping you stay dry.

  8. Great puddle photos ~ not so good about the tree, though ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Good luck and stay safe! I like the puddle reflections.

  10. I hope the storm doesn't hit you too hard. Scary what it's done in other spots.

  11. Wet roads are soothing to look at

  12. Sorry for your weather. I do like puddle reflections! I haven't seen rain in I don't know how long.

  13. Our summer has been pretty dry so far with no hurricanes in the Gulf to stir things up. But the hurricane season isn't over...

  14. I hope all is well. We had little damage in my town, but places 20 miles north got hit with severe flooding.


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