Tuesday, August 13, 2024

My Social Media Break Status

Surprising myself, I have now (mostly) stayed off of social media (not counting blogging) for a little over three weeks with some minor exceptions.

Unfortunately, I don't think I can maintain the break (at least for Facebook) that much longer.  Right now, I am waiting on more word re a Facebook friend and a real life friend, both of whom are facing various challenges that I want to keep up to date with.

I also am checking in twice a week with a private group on Facebook that I belong to. 

But when I am on Facebook the urge to click on this post or that post can get a bit overwhelming.  The social media sites know all too well how to keep drawing you in.

So, why am I keeping the break up?  Seems I have a lot more time available for other things when I'm not busy doomscrolling on X, or being distracted by this and that on Facebook.  Fortunately, I had never developed addictions to Pinterest and I haven't been on Insta for two or three years.

Yes, I said it - addiction.

Banner Year for Mophead Hydrangeas (not mine)

And a major time suck.  Time I could be spending taking pictures of flowers, for example.

I don't miss X at all.  It had become too much of a cesspool, although I tried to cling to some of the sane accounts (like that of the U.S. National Park Service, who has a genuine comedian running it).  I miss some of the (sane) people I've followed.   Yet, it's not good for my mental health.

So, if you follow me on social media and are wondering why I don't seem to visit you anymore, it isn't that at all.  I am not ignoring you.  I still like you. 

As the saying goes, it's not you.  It's me.

Let's see how much longer this break lasts.


  1. Well done! Perhaps someone should devise a competition for children to avoid social media, with a worthwhile set of prizes. I don't know how that would work, though, as they'd need to use the media to discover who's won. Oh, dear - think again!
    It seems to do more harm than good for so many troubled teenagers.

  2. ...I'm on my blog and YouTube.

  3. Everyone needs a regular social media break. I am on X to keep up with daily events and on Facebook maybe a few times a month is all. That's it for my social media. I came back to blogging because I don't count it the same. It's not addictive because it's slow and not controlled by addictive forces to keep you scrolling. And there's no ads or interruptions. I do spend more time on X than I'd want because it's like watching a train wreck happen, so shocking it's hard to turn away.

  4. Way to go! I like to check facebook for news of relatives and what they are up to:) Beautiful Hydrangea!

  5. Other than my blog, I never got on any social platform. I have survived.

  6. I think we should all take breaks from it now and again. So it's just not such a habit, an easy one at that.

  7. Good job! It's tempting to go back when you're used to using it. I quit and deleted X when it sold. I actually never posted, just read it. I deleted Facebook, same reason. I have Instagram for thrifting stuff, and Mickey has one!

  8. I just dropped a message board that was a real time suck and not at all useful, so I understand completely

  9. I quit Twitter entirely about a year ago, I think it was. I don't miss it. Of course, now I'm on Bluesky, which scratches the same itch, but I don't follow as many people, so I don't get lost in it. They do make those things to be addictive. There's a great documentary about the phenomena for TikTok called Tik Tok Boom. If you happen to run across it...

  10. We can get too caught up in all this social media. I never got into Twitter. I like Pinterest and Instagram but I look at it here and there. I love hydrangeas especially the blues. I love these flowers.

  11. I may scroll my FB just to check for interesting news going on in old friends' lives and I dropped X when it was Twitter completely. I never got the fuss over that one. I do have an Pinterest account but don't frequent it at all. The only social media I tend to regularly is my blog and as you know I've been primarily doing a single post for the week all summer while on a semi-hiatus. I have plenty going on away from cyberspace to keep me busy and to keep my mind away from stolen time in front of the computer all day. That's the way it can feel sometimes, you know? I do understand your need to stay connected with those who are going through things. I have a very good childhood friend unfortunately with serious health issues and she may not be with us much longer. Enjoy your time doing whatever makes you happy. That's the most important thing!

  12. Social media has become difficult to handle. .I see more adult bullying over there but I hate to leave as many relatives and good friends live far away from me. I joined a group about peace and love and kindness and first thing I see people attacking the Pope. I may not be a fan of his and I was raised in the Catholic church but it sure wasn't nice at all. I have a friend that I met in the kindergarten. Long, long ago. She is one reason I love it over there. We keep encouraging each other. :-) I hope you are having a good week and your friends over there are getting along.


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