Saturday, August 31, 2024

Sure Signs of Fall

The calendar may say August 31 but the world around me is saying Fall is on its way.

Let's check it out.

Purple loosestrife is invasive but pretty.  The bees were loving this patch so I didn't get too close.

The turtleheads in my back yard are blooming.  I bought these years ago at a farmer's market in Asheville, North Carolina. 

My reblooming yellow day lily does what it does as fall draws near - reblooms.

The pumpkins have arrived. (Not shown: all the Halloween decorations in the stores.)

Ornamental corn and a pumpkin clock. 

Orange jewelweed.

Yellow jewelweed.

Japanese knotweed is in full bloom.  This is one of the worst invasive weeds there is in this part of the United States. Its strong roots can destroy foundations and sewer lines.  Ironically, it was brought here as a landscape plant in the 1800's.   But, on the other hand, bees love it (and make a delicious honey from it, which I've had).

Otsiningo park scene with reflections of Japanese knotweed. It is beautiful.

Today, I ponder the last day of August.  Where has the summer gone?

Any day now, the wild asters will be in bloom, and fall will be official.

Until that day, I still say it's summer.


  1.'s right around the corner.

  2. The autumn flowers are less blowsy, and the colours are richer and compensate for the turning of the season. It's lovely to see all those pumpkins.

  3. It’s Birgit….i love those purple flowers but, they are invasive and can take over the local species in one swoop. Love your pics

  4. My trees are already dropping their leaves. I guess they are sick of this heat, too.

  5. It may almost be autumn on the calendar but summer will linger quite a bit longer here in Southeast Texas.

  6. We're expecting hot temps next week, so summer doesn't feel like it's over. And, I saw Christmas stuff in a store this week. So, maybe the year is winding down...

  7. I like color and beauty regardless of season.

  8. It doesn't cool down here until October but pumpkins are already out around here in stores too. I'm looking forward to October. I'm so over these 100 degree temps.

  9. It know Fall is coming when you see pumpkins


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