Friday, September 6, 2024

Approaching the Mountain #SkywatchFriday

We spent a couple of days in Vermont this past Labor Day, and decided to drive to the top of Mount Equinox.

Mount Equinox is between Arlington (one of the homes of Norman Rockwell) and Manchester Center, Vermont.  It is the tallest peak in the Taconic range, some 3,855 feet above sea level.  It is the second highest point in southern Vermont.  The name supposedly originates from 1823 and a visit around the autumnal equinox by one Captain Alden Partridge.

From its peak, on a clear day, you can see Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and New York.  It is said that, on an especially clear day, you can see all the way to Montreal, Quebec.

These photos were taken before, and at the beginning of our drive. 

We began our adventure in Arlington, Vermont.  (I don't think the peak shown is Equinox.)

On our way to the mountain.

Uh oh, the clouds are building.

Did we get to see what we had come for?  Or will we be clouded out?  Join us next week and see.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...Vermont is an enchanting state.

  2. Oh my … great cloud shots but I hope you got to see a great view, too

  3. Those rolling clouds are terrific.

  4. Oh, the suspense! It looks like it was a lovely drive. I like the second from the last shot best, with the sun further down the road.

  5. What great travels you've had lately. Its making me get eager for adventure!

  6. Can't wait. I love your skies this week!!

  7. Beautiful skies and pretty countryside. Looking forward to seeing if you achieved your objective!

  8. Awesome sky shots ~ Wow! Great clouds ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. We hope to visit Vermont while in Maine. You had a very pretty day. I hope the clouds parted so you were able to see the view from the mountain. :)

  10. Oooh, mountains. I love going to the mountains. I'll enjoy seeing your journey.

  11. What a wonderful way to spend a long weekend. The drive looks beautiful and mountaintops are always fun.

  12. Beautiful shots! Sounds like an excellent road trip.


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