Sunday, September 22, 2024

Art of Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

The other day, I blogged about a visit to the campus of MacKenzie-Childs in Aurora, New York.

I am not sure I can show you any of the beautiful pottery or other items they make or import, but I liked the shadows in this courtyard.  It's hard to see the planter or the chair with stripes or what they call the Courtly Chec pattern (the checkerboards) but these are some of their signature patterns.

The campus is beautiful.  Check out (no pun intended) this weeping willow. Sorry about the sun glare.

From 2001-2008, the company was owned by Pleasant Rowland, the founder of the American Girl doll company.  She had gone to college at Wells College, just up the road from MacKenzie-Childs, a college which, sadly, closed suddenly this spring.

When MacKenzie-Childs entered bankruptcy, Rowland purchased it from the bankruptcy court and was successful in turning it around.

One more picture.  I can remember visiting perhaps 15 years ago and seeing chickens on the property.  On Thursday's visit, I saw geese, but no chickens, but the chicken house and its beautiful gate remain.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures and her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...Aurora is a rather traditional community, when Pleasant Rowland came to town with the money from the American Girl brand she made WAVES!

  2. That's a lovely shadow dappled courtyard! I always love weeping willows as a child. We didn't have any. We did have pussy willows.

  3. Striking shadows. The gate is so intricate and beautiful.

  4. What a beautiful, peaceful-looking place.

  5. Very pretty! That’s a stunning gate!


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