Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Late Season Garden

Fall arrived on my doorstep on Sunday.  The signs were already there - long shadows, the angle of the son, the shortening daylight, the early trees starting to turn.

 Apples, pears, and concord grapes line the shelves of farm stores, as we begin our farewells to sweet corn and juicy watermelons and cantelopes.  Soon, the scent memory of apple crisp will beckon me to the apple stand, and then the kitchen and oven.

I may even break down and eat an apple cider donut. 

But, in our community garden, it is still summer.  We haven't had any frosts yet and there are (knock wood) none in our immediate forecast.  The second crop of cucumbers are blooming.
Cherry tomatoes.
Soon, it will be time for cabbage.

After three or so years of having our beans eaten by deer, we are having a bumper crop with no sign of deer damage.

I am so happy.

Our second crop of beans is flowering vigorously.  Deer, please stay away.  Frost, ditto.

Asian greens.

In another week, our area's annual scarecrow contest will begin.  

Many here think fall is the best time of year.  That's true in many ways, although I'm always thinking of what comes next.

Enjoy it while we can.


  1. ...the only things still producing in my garden are eggplant and peppers.

  2. Mmm...that apple cider doughnut sounds delicious! And the community garden looks very productive.

  3. Yes, it is beginning to feel like fall.

  4. It looks wonderful! I lost all my beans in a heat wave, so I'm envious of your bumper crop!

  5. Fall is my favorite season, although I try not to think too much about the cold weather around the corner. Congratulations on the green beans!

  6. Every season has its blessings, though sometimes we have to look a little harder!

  7. I'm with you on that, always look forward to the change. MMm, I've been craving apple crisp.


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