Sunday, September 29, 2024

Shadow of Memory #ShadowshotSunday

Taken September 19, 2012, at a tailgate market in Asheville, North Carolina.

(This is what we call a farmers market; as I recall, they differentiate between a permanent market and what is not (tailgate market).

At a tailgate market, also September 2012, at or near the University of North Carolina in Asheville.

My spouse and I visited Asheville twice; this was the second visit.  Here's a post about my first visit in 2010.

And another one. 

Oh, how about one more Asheville visit?  A visit to 12 Bones BBQ and how I acted like a weird person under the influence of Cheerwine. (which, just for the record, is not alcoholic).

I have fond memories of Asheville, and it breaks my heart to see what the tropical storm that was once Hurricane Helene did to the area.  Because I saw firsthand (in 2011) what floods can do, and our flood was only a fraction of what happened to Asheville, Chimney Rock, and other area places too numerous to list, I know they will have a long road to recovery. Not just from the physical damage (and mental damage) from the flood, but the aftereffects.  

I-40 was decimated by washouts and mudslides. It will necessitate major detours.    It's happened before, in 2009-2010.  But this time, even damage to secondary roads is extensive.

We can hope that the recovery benefits the region in the end.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...I hope that Tailgate Market didn't wash away!

  2. Shadows, real and metaphorical, make their presence known.

  3. My farmers' market is called the Growers' Market, which I find funny, as the weed industry in the valley is big, and "growers" is what they are! It makes it sound like a weekly weed market! I don't think you acted like a "weird person" at all! And, under the influence of no alcohol? When my parents and I would go out to eat my mother would say "Why are you acting drunk, when we're the ones drinking?" I think I was just a child excited to be in a restaurant!

  4. I was watching all the destruction on television and online. Tragic

  5. thecontemplativecat here I miss going to a market. Our previous town had the best market on Tuesday afternoons on Main st. of Escondido, CA. It was a shopping experience.

  6. This was a horrible storm and so many people list everything. I hope all went well with you and anyone you know who may have been part of this flood.

  7. That hurricane caused so much damage, it' so sad.

  8. I've been stunned by the pictures I see coming out of Asheville. Yikes. And I hear it's kind of up in the mountains? Is that right? Just goes to show that no where is truly safe from some of these major storms.


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