Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Wild World Around Us

 Some assorted birds and wildlife taken either in my backyard or locally.

We have had quite a good year for chipmunks, and they are fearless.  This Eastern chipmunk sat a few feet away from me.

Earlier in the summer, a black capped chickadee sat on one of our feeders (top right). At times like this, I wish I had a camera with a good zoom instead of my iPhone 13 mini.

Also earlier this summer, a juvenile Northern cardinal took a rest in another feeder (top right).

Mourning dove on porcupine yard statue.

Rabbit, September 7.
Finally, yesterday, a grey squirrel pole-danced on our feeder pole.  It put on quite the show, trying to get to the seed cake right above the triangular thing, which is a baffle designed to keep away squirrels.  It doesn't always work, incidentally.

I also took a picture of a turtle where we sometimes exercise walk, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.

I am thankful I have these peaceful moments to enjoy the world around me.  Too many people don't have either peaceful moments, or peace.

Tomorrow, why not join me when I join Skywatch Friday and post pictures of the sky?


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