Friday, October 25, 2024

Great Fall Skies #SkywatchFriday

(A side note:  if you have been following my posts on the Otsiningo Scarecrow Contest, the winner will be announced later today.  I'll try to have it up Saturday).

For this last October skywatch of 2024, the word is "yellow".

I'm sitting outside, looking at golden Norway (I think) maples in my neighborhood, and writing my blog post.  

All this week, except for yesterday, the weather was gorgeous where I live in the Southern Tier of New York:  beautiful foliage, near record temperatures, blue skies - so unbelievable. 

Even yesterday, it was still sunny but colder and breezier.  Both yesterday and Tuesday, spouse and I admired the foliage.  Here are some highlights.

Clouds coming in.

 Goose flotilla on pond.

I took some reflection photos.

Lots of yellow.
Blue sky, colored hills.

I have other foliage pictures but this is Skywatch Friday not Fall Foliage Friday - maybe another time.

Joining up with Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.

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