Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Fall Color Show

We are at peak or near peak color where I live in the Southern Tier of New York.

It's true that people don't come to our area.  It's true that you can enjoy better color in places like Vermont. But, on the other hand, there are no traffic jams here.  You just cruise roads just a few miles from your house.

Here is some color from yesterday.  

Sorry about the glare streak.  That's what happens when it's a sunny day.

It was another spectacular day, with temperatures in the 70's F (23ish C).  Again, some of my photos had to be discarded, but no matter.  I was grateful for being able to leave work early and take this drive with my spouse.

So, thank you for coming along with me.  Here's your reward from our local annual Scarecrow contest - a couple of colorful entries.

Lucky 13?  CHOW is a local food bank run by Catholic Charities.  There is such a great need out there.

Finally, an entry from Ametek, a worldwide company with a presence in Binghamton, New York.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Otsiningo Park Scarecrow Contest, and I'll hopefully have a few more pictures tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.


  1. The scarecrows will be missed when they're taken away.

  2. ...enjoy your color, it's quickly fading here.

  3. I am envious of places that get significant autumn colors. Here in Southeast Texas our year-round color is mostly green.

  4. The trees are truly spectacular! Your town sounds perfect. The name CHOW for a food bank is excellent.

  5. I think going to look at the changing leaves is overrated, anyway. Why not enjoy the color in your own neighborhood? It's stunning, and you don't have to brave the crowds.

  6. I've been enjoying all your pictures.

  7. The scarecrow is looking so lovely


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