Sunday, October 6, 2024

Unexpectred Plant #ShadowshotSunday

One of the pleasures of gardening is finding the unexpected.

A month or so ago, this little plant started to bud in my semi shady backyard.  It put out one flower mid-September, then took a break. Now it's blooming again.

It's got three flowers now.  My apple photo app identifies it as a Jerusalem artichoke.

Friday, late afternoon, one of these shadows almost in the middle of the photo reminded me of a flying bird.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...Jerusalem artichoke is in its glory now.

  2. I love getting "surprise plants" that are gifted by the birds or the wind and Jerusalem artichoke is definitely a fine gift.

  3. The volunteers we have in our garden are not pretty like your plant is.

  4. I've only seen them as lumpy things at the grocery store! They cast pretty shadows.

  5. The flowers look great especially with the shadows

  6. Oh, that shadow does look bird-like.

  7. Those are very nice pictures. I like yellow flowers.

  8. I haven't took part in shadow shot Sunday.

  9. Flowers cast such interesting shadows.


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