Monday, November 25, 2024

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

I opened my blog this morning and - no Monday post.

Somehow, when I prewrote my Monday post on Sunday, I set it to post early on Sunday instead of early on Monday.

So, if you are looking for my Music Moves Me post, it is here.

And if you weren't looking for it, I hope you stop by anyway. 

While I am at it, why not do my annual posting of my experience with the Butterball Turkey Talk-Line?

(For those outside the United States, that talk-line helps anyone having a problem cooking their Thanksgiving turkey.  It's been running for over 60 years now. )

Today, I ran across this newspaper article about a former Butterball talk-line person being stuck in the country we incorrectly call Turkey for our Thanksgiving because she broke her hip while visiting, and now can't fly safely until sometime in December.

Maybe, for all I know, I talked to her on that now long-ago day.

No, you can't make this stuff up.


  1. ...I've been known to do the same thing.

  2. My daughters will be doing the turkey and all of Thanksgiving dinner this year. I've found that hobbling around on my broken foot is not conducive to cooking!

  3. I just know some of the people answering calls on the hotline are shaking their heads. lol

  4. When I saw your post yesterday, I was like "What? I thought it was Sunday?". Us retirees have trouble enough keeping our days straight, lol.

  5. I have done that, accidentally posted something that I meant to schedule. Oof. Easily found, though. Happy Monday.

  6. I listened to Stephen Colbert's piece - very funny. People get in such a pickle over turkey. Happy Thanksgiving!


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