Friday, December 13, 2024

Friday the 13th Sunset #SkywatchFriday

Are Fridays the 13th unlucky?  Perhaps, but for me, I'm hoping not.

Here are some sunset views from today's sunset.

A closeup.

Finally, a temporary frozen pond due to a lot of recent rain (yes, rain).  We were so fortunate compared to other parts of New York State.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...Friday the 13th was a wonderful day here, the sun appeared after a long absence.

  2. I've generally found Friday the 13th to be lucky for me. Another blogger mentioned it, so I looked it up. Next year there's only one--in June.

  3. Beautiful sunset.

    My father got his discharge from the Army in Friday the 13th so considered it a lucky day.

  4. That is a beautiful clear, cold winter sunset.

  5. Lovely wintry sky shots ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, love and laughter in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. More gorgeous sunsets, you get them all! I love that middle photo best, with those lovely silhouette trees.

  7. Lovely frozen pond. Glad the snow storm missed you. It hit Buffalo area really bad.

  8. I like that last photo, we're getting rain and serious wind today!

  9. Some great skies you got there. The day was half over before I realized it was Friday the 13th.


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