Monday, December 2, 2024

Music That Makes Me Think of Christmas #MusicMovesMe

What makes you think of Christmas?  This is the theme of this week's Music Moves Me.


Today I am joining up with other Music Moves Me bloggers (and you can join us at the linky below). We are a group of music loving bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday (or even later in the week). If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post may be labeled "No Music".  

Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, me.

Every other week, we have a theme, but we consider it as a suggestion, not a mandate.  But I got to thinking about what makes me think of Christmas, and, for me, it's the onset of winter.

Snow!  Some years we get over 120 inches where I live and I hope this year isn't one of them.  Here's Darlene Love with her 1962 cover of Winter Wonderland.  I like snow, as long as it is in a video and not in my real life.

Christmas specials on TV.  Here's the Vince Guaraldi trio, singing Christmas Time is Here, from 1965. To me, this song is so soothing.

Let it Snow! is another Christmastime classic, and who can sing it better than Frank Sinatra?

Lights in windows and on houses is another thing that makes me think of Christmas, because so many of our December days where I live are overcast (if not white from snow).   The lights relieve the drearyness of our Decembers.  Here's a song that celebrates the season of lights:  Coldplay and their 2010 song Christmas Lights.

And finally...eggnog, because eggnog comes but once a year.  My favorite is Purity, a regional beverage made in Ithaca, New York.  What a shame that they don't have it in small bottles because it is so rich and perfect.  

And yes, I found a song about eggnog.  Here's The EGG NOG song, from Grant Kirkhope.  I fell in love instantly with this song.

And that is a holiday wrap.

Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me.


  1. I don't know if I'm alone in this, but, though I like Christmas carols, I really dislike Christmas songs. Perhaps it's because they're relentlessly blared out in supermarkets and on the radio, but they make me shuddder. Sorry!

  2. 120 inches?! Good grief that's a lot of snow and a lot of shoveling! I hope y'all don't get that much, too. However, it's not looking too good so far. We watched a bit of SNF at Buffalo and the snow was coming down heavy at times. They already had almost 2 feet on the ground, too. That is not for me!

    I like egg nog but I don't tolerate dairy too well. Although last year I didn't make any, I hope to do make my home made boiled custard (very much like egg nog). I'll just live with the temporary problems drinking milk brings for a short time and be happy for having make the boiled custard. Vince Guaraldi Trio singing "Christmas Time is Here" makes me smile with sweet thoughts of my childhood. I love the Christmas season. Have a blessed and happy Christmas, Alana! xo

  3. ...the list is long of those who shouldn't have made a Christmas album!

  4. That eggnog song! Saw severa brands in my supermarket. Haven’t had it yet, but at my daughter’s house last week we drank coquito, which is a Puerto Rican variation. Basic recipe includes condensed milk, cream of coconut and rum.

  5. Love the Charlie Brown Christmas special! I was watching the Buffalo Bills vs 49ers game last night and somebody must have been singing "Let it Snow". They had two feetof snow on the ground around the stadium and it started snowing again just as the game started. By the final whistle, there was probably another two or three inches. That's more snow than I care to deal with. Have a blessed week.

  6. I am nitnintonthat last song because of his voice. I love Advocat-a Dutch liquor that is made with 10,000 it's rich but so.good especially rally in.a chocolate cup.
    I enjoyed your Christmas songs.

  7. Very nice songs. The Peanuts song is such a classic. A great playlist.

  8. I *almost* shared that Coldplay song! I'm glad you did, so I could listen to it again. ;) And of course Peanuts is my favorite. But holy moly! You found a song about EGG NOG!!! I love egg nog, so that totally cracked me up. :) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  9. Let's hope you don't get as much snow as other places, Alana! We have none so far, but Buffalo got hammered again. The snow songs are all familiar, but I didn't know Coldplay's or the Egg Nog Song. Love that one! ☺

  10. I haven't listened to any Christmas music yet. Maybe when it gets a bit closer to the big day.

  11. Thanks for sharing these songs. I don't think eggnog is a thing here in the Netherlands.

  12. Ha ha ha, I've never heard the NOG song.

  13. Good selection. I've never heard some of these.

  14. I enjoyed the golden tones of "Old Blue Eyes" thanks for sharing


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