Friday, February 14, 2025

Thinking of Red #SkywatchFriday

Today is Valentine's Day, and, no, I don't have any Valentine's Day skies to share with you. Instead, what I decided to do is go through my library and find pictures with red (and sky) in them.

Sunrise, November 2018.  

Blooming trees, spring 2018.  Yes, one day, spring will be here.

Oh, for clear blue skies.  Maybe one day. But, for now, winter still reigns where I live.

Oh, all right.  One recent picture, from February 11, taken right before sunrise. An actual glimpse of the sky!

Joining Yogi and other sky watching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday.  


  1. The clouds in that last photo are interesting

  2. ...we are "enjoying" a gray morning.

  3. Red is my favorite color, so this post makes me happy.

  4. Cool post! I like your idea of posting with red and sky. Have a great weekend!

  5. We have sun and blue skies here today, though somewhat hazily. It's cold, though.

  6. "Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning; red sky at night, sailors' delight" - an adage remembered well from my childhood.

  7. The pictures are great. Happy Valentine's Day.

  8. That's a clever way to include the holiday!

  9. The red leaves are looking magnificent!

  10. Great selection of photos with read in them ~ Happy Valentine's Day ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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