Friday, February 7, 2025

When Skies Were Clear #SkywatchFriday

Our weather has been bouncing up and down like a rubber ball.   Let's look at some late January and early February skies today.

January 27 post sunset.

January 29.

February 1.

February 3, and it was in the 40's (7 C).   Now, that's more like it - these are our normal skies at this time of year.

Our snow cover has gone up and down.  Yesterday we had sleet and snow (what a mess) and the snow and gloom were back.

Joining Yogi and other sky watching bloggers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...ah, so that's what a clear sky looks like?

  2. The weather seems very unsettled, like much of present life. We've just had sleet and are forecast snow tomorrow, not that it will amount to much.

  3. We've had up and down weather ourselves, now we are back in the 40's which suits me fine. Still warm enough to go hiking but too cold for the snakes to be out and about.

  4. Looks nice with the bare trees.

  5. Do you wish it would make up its mind, or do you like having some days of nice weather?

  6. Nice to have a variety of skies to enjoy. Beautiful photos!

  7. I love all the pictures but that first one is my favorite.

  8. We're in the middle of an early Spring. Probably won't last long, but today's temperature is almost 80*F. Your sky pictures are beautiful. I like the first and second photo best. I just love clouds.

  9. Beautiful series of sky photos ~ hugs and thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Variety is the spice of life. Happy Trails!

  11. You've had some pretty skyviews lately, too. The top one is especially nice. We got a nasty thunderstorm last nigh with tornado activity possible but we escaped any touch downs in our immediate area. Mother Nature has lost her mind!

  12. We also had clear sky today. Plus cold.

  13. It is that time of year, I can't help but be drawn to your photos of blue skies over the cloudy ones.


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