Saturday, March 15, 2025

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day March 2025

Beware the Ides of March, as the saying goes.  Well, hopefully not here in my zone 6a garden in the Southern Tier of New York.

The weather has swung from spring to winter to back again, as it does in March, but today is supposed to have beautiful, spring like weather.  Today is also Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, the 15th day of each month, and is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.  Gardeners from all over the world show what is blooming in their yards and/or homes.

The most important thing about today is that I have both indoor and outdoor flowers to show you.  Again, I don't have much, but I think April will solve that issue.

Outdoors, my early white Lenten Rose is still blooming with new flowers opening up (top flower).  

In a few days, our purple Lenten Rose will join with its blooms. Right now they are only buds.

On the side, early daffodils are coming up.  Sadly, these rarely bloom as they are in almost full shade now (they came with our house, almost 40 years ago).  They need to be dug and relocated. Our crocuses should be coming up any day now, too.

Indoors, an African rose is putting out occasional blooms.   

A couple of the impatiens I rooted last fall are also still blooming but none of the flowers are open right now.

Hopefully, there will be a lot more to show you in April.

If you want to see more flowers from all over the world, why not click the link above, go to the linky and see what else is in bloom?


  1. I have nothing blooming indoor or outdoor. I did go outside yesterday and clean up a lot of the broken branches laying on the ground. And I made arrangements to have somebody come clean up all the leaves. With my back issues, I just can't do it by myself. Enjoy the warmer days.

  2.'s wonderful to see the earth coming to life again.

  3. Any flowers are welcome and cheering.

  4. Your flowers are lovely.

    I’ve seen crocuses in full bloom around here

  5. Beautiful Lenten Roses! We're expecting some wild weather tomorrow in our area, wind and thunderstorms--I hope it doesn't affect your garden too much.

  6. I'm sure the whiplash weather you've been experiencing is frustrating but of course spring will win out eventually. We've had a mild version of the same thing; however, winter isn't really a "thing" to start with in coastal Southern California - it usually just means rain, although until recently we've had little of that this year. I hope your daffodils surprise you with some blooms!

  7. Those first signs of spring are so exciting, even if the bulbs don't bloom. I keep meaning to move my autumn crocus, maybe this year when the foliage dies back.

  8. It is a slow spring here to, but I agree with you that "I think April will solve that issue." Wonderful way to put it! Happy GBBD :) Julie Witmer

  9. Things will warm up to spring before you know it.


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