Friday, November 13, 2020

Lucky Sunset #SkywatchFriday

Today is....Friday the 13th.

Could watching a beautiful sunset mean bad luck?  No way.

This was the sunset in my part of New York State on Saturday, November 7.

We stood on a floodwall.  The water in the distance is the Susquehanna River.
Watch the sky coloring up.
It's so nice watching the sky's color change.

And deepen.

About a minute later, shades of blue, purple and yellow.

As the sunset started to fade, we left the scene. But we took one last look back, and saw the reflections on glass and the last of the sky fireworks.

Some might say the sky was celebrating something, but who are we to know?  Perhaps it was the stretch of beautiful weather we had, which is just a memory now.

Joining up with Yogi and the other sky watching bloggers who assemble each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. I think I know what the sky was celebrating.

  2. Wonderful, enchanted views of the sky!
    Great shots
    My sky

  3. Magnificent sunset photos ~ ^_^

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Really exquisite pictures today, the colors are so deep. Makes me feel as though I had been there to see it in person.

  5. Soooo beautiful! No one can paint like Mother Nature!

  6. Gorgeous skies. They look like good luck to me! Have a nice weekend.

  7. Very nice. And I've found Friday the 13th to be a lucky day.


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