Saturday, March 2, 2019

Happy 3400th To Me

 Happy 3400th blog post to me!

I started my blog in April of 2009 and, since late April 2011, have been blogging daily.  I still plan to blog daily, although I am not sure for how long.  Certainly, I will end it when it doesn't "spark joy" in my anymore.

Thank you, my reader, for your loyalty, and for stopping by.

I blogged the other day that I would do something special for this blogoversary.  I often don't take psychological tests but this one fascinated me.  I found it the other day on a fellow midlife blogger's blog.

I was curious to know if I was left or right brained dominant.  I don't consider myself that organized, or logical, but I don't consider myself as exceedingly creative, either.

Besides knowing I am introverted, and love some creative crafts (crocheting, photography, blogging) I was curious. 

Here’s the link. The test is simple, takes just a few moments,  and is free:

This test is for personal use only, and since I do not make any money off this blog, I thought I would take the test and publish the results. 

It turns out I am quite balanced. (I wish I was as well balanced on my feet as, apparently, in my mind.) This is quoted from the test results:

"Studies on patients with brain damage have allowed scientists to determine how each side of the brain controls different functions. The left hemisphere, for example, specializes in language skills and logic. The right hemisphere allows us to recognize shapes and faces and express and read. Most people are not likely to be strictly left-brain or right-brained - we use each side of our brain depending on the task we're dealing with. However, some theorists and researchers believe that there may be one side of the brain that we draw on more, which can in turn make the personality traits characteristic of that side of the brain to be more dominant than others.
How to read your results: If you score closer to the right side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically right-brain. If you score closer to the left side of the graph, your personality is more characteristically left-brain. If you score somewhere in the middle, you share characteristics of both sides of the brain.

Overall Result

Both your right and left hemisphere seem to have reached a level of perfect harmony - rather than trying to dominant each other, they work together to create a unique and well-balanced "you". Your spontaneous, impulsive, and free-flowing right brain creates an exciting and adventurous world, while your left brain helps you make sense of it and keep track of everything.
When faced with a problem or a tough decision, you're not only able to break things down and make an informed and sensible choice, but you're also not afraid to go with your gut when necessary. You tend to express your individuality both in words and actions, and although you're perfectly comfortable running on a schedule or planning things ahead of time, there are occasions when you love to throw in a little spontaneity.
Your balanced outlook and approach to life creates a desire in you to not only understand the world, but to also take it in your hands and mold it as you see fit. With both your right and left hemispheres working together to guide you, you are able to understand yourself and life in general from so many wonderful perspectives"

If you take the test, I would be curious to know your results, if you care to share them.

And again, thank you so much for stopping by (unless you are a spammer, although some of those comments are quite entertaining, too.)

Here's to 3500!


  1. Happy 3400'th post! An interesting test. My results were very similar to yours (58) and I got the same "well-balanced" report. A fun way to celebrate your blogging milestone.

    1. Interesting - do people with a particular score gravitate to writings by others with similiar scores?

  2. I never thought about how many blog posts I've done. Now you have me wondering.

    I'll try the test later.

  3. I'm not surprised that you're well balanced, most of us who are right brain or left brain dominant often are pretty clear about it.
    Congratulations on 3400 blog posts. Glad to see you still inspired.

    1. I'll be continuing to blog as long as it pleases me. Apparently, it satisfies both halves of my brain.

  4. Congratulations on your 3400th post. I've been blogging for roughly the same period as you, but my number isn't nearly that impressive.

    I took the test and got EXACTLY the same result as you! My graph showed 46 on the left side with the same word-for-word analysis. Does this mean we are soul mates?

    1. If not soul mates, than brain-mates? I do wonder if people with similar scores enjoy each other's blogs for that reason?

  5. Happy blogaversary! I started to take the test but the Next button didn't work for me. And by the third question, I was already frustrated because I wanted to choose something not listed. Instead of reading the instructions, I go to YouTube! Most instructions these days are poorly translated from Chinese.

  6. The way people react to the questions should be added into the score, I think. Maybe they need a question "Are you frustrated by these questions or think we needed more possible answers?" I usually don't take these tests (although I used to be amused by the Buzzfeed quizzes once upon a time).

  7. Woohoo! Congratulations!

    I am also almost perfectly balanced. But then the description is talking quite confidently about me being a far more effective sort of person than I actually feel like I am. So I don't know if I'm buying it!

  8. Balance is good. I may try the test later. (Right now I'm sneaking in blog reading time while covering a chemistry class.)

  9. Congrats on the 3400 postings! And thanks for the link back to my blog. I appreciate it!


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