Sunday, March 3, 2019

It Was Blue and I Saw It on Oprah

Today, I needed a good laugh.  The gloom of the typical upstate New York winter has settled upon me, knowing we are in for snow and then bitter cold weather.  The groundhog's prediction of six more weeks of winter seems a distant memory now.

Some days, I am so happy that I didn't follow my childhood dreams of being a librarian.

When I was growing up in the Bronx, I could have lived in my public library.  I dreamed of working in a bookmobile.

As it happens, I know a (retired) librarian - one of my spouse's cousins.  I've also read occasional posts by librarians, past and present.

Somehow, I'm glad I never became one - at least, that I didn't work in a public library.

This is one of many posts that are funny only if you've never had a customer service job.  Imagine, someone coming into your bookstore and library, and asking you to find a book for them.  All they know is the color of the book.  Or, they heard about the book on a radio show but you are supposed to use your mind reading abilities to know what they mean.

You know...the book about those two people who fall in love and then....ummm.

Everyone knows librarians are miracle workers.

They really are.

Sorry, but this Saturday Night Live skit, to me, is hysterical.

(Changing the subject quickly, I haven't plugged this library weeding blog lately).

Which reminds me, I haven't said recently, "support your local library today." It also reminds me I should schedule a library post for the Blogging for A to Z Challenge.

Well, maybe don't support your local library today because it may be closed on Sundays.

But on the other six days, why not?  Just don't ask them where the blue book you saw on Oprah is.

1 comment:

  1. Back when there were record stores, they had the same issue. "It sounds like..." Sigh. There's a picture somewhere of a table of books (I think this was in a bookstore) with the sign above it saying, "It had a red cover," and the table was covered in red books.


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