Saturday, March 9, 2019

Spring At Last?

The signs are subtle, where I live in the Southern Tier of New York.  But they are there.

Birds sing in the early morning, even when the temperature is seven above zero F. (-14C)

Tree tops glow as the sap rises this sunny morning.

Bulbs are starting to come up, although they won't bloom for a while yet.

True, snow still has its hold in my front yard, although last year's sedum flowers provide their own type of color.

But one of my Lenten Roses has been trying to bloom, and maybe it will get its chance, finally.

One day it won't be subtle anymore.  Spring will be here. For good.  Maybe.

It can't come soon enough for many of us.

Speaking of spring, remember our clocks "spring ahead" at 2am tomorrow. Will you mourn that "lost" hour?


  1. I sure wouldn't make that statement about North Idaho. Well it got above freezing.
    Coffee is on

  2. The last month and half here has been cloudy and rainy. The sun was out for about five hours and I got to wander around. Then it started to hail.

  3. Sunday morning wasn't so bad, but this morning... Of course, half my house is sick, so that didn't help matters.


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