Saturday, May 4, 2019

Star Wars Day 2019

Today is May the 4th - also known to Star Wars fans as Star Wars Day from "May the 4th Be With You".

We need the Force more than ever in these trying times.  So let me try to do my small part.

Fellow blogger and  Blogging from A to Zer John Holton at the Sound of One Hand Typing gave me this idea with a recent post featuring bagpipes.  What if, for my May 4th post, I featured bagpipe performances inspired by Star Wars?

Turns out there are a number of them.

So here goes and I hope you enjoy.

This first video is only about a minute long but it is so epic you must see this even if you can't stand bagpipes.

This is a bit more traditional.

And finally, the Snakecharmer summons the Force with bagpipes.

May the 4th be with you.


  1. Wow, that was different. The first one ...amazing.

  2. Hi Alana, The differences are interesting! I especially like the first one with the piper on the blog and in front of the Keep Portland Weird sign. Enjoyed your post today. Have a good rest of the weekend. John

  3. Or, at it is known in my family, middle nephew's birthday. He's 9.


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