Friday, July 5, 2019

Stormwatch #SkywatchFriday

 I celebrated a quiet 4th of July (the birthday of my country, the United States) with my spouse, and had my son over for a BBQ.  We decided not to go to a baseball game and swelter, waiting for the fireworks.

I have no fireworks photos for you, nor pictures of baseball.

But sometimes, nature provides its own fireworks, as it did last week with thunderstorms all around us..
Storm clouds appeared in the east.
It was late in the day, and it had just rained.

The cloud's reflections appeared in puddles in the road.

At this time of the year, I don't have a good view of the sunset because it is blocked by trees.  But, it was nice seeing the light reflect off the clouds.

This morning, I woke up to what promises to be another hot, humid day.  Summer is here at last.

Joining Yogi and the other watchers of the sky each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Grandiose aufgehäufte Wolken Berge.

  2. Nice skies. We didn’t go see fireworks either, but a lot of people in the neighborhood were using (illegal) fireworks.

  3. Sometimes low key celebrations are the best. I hate being in crowds when it is hot.

  4. These are very impressive shot !
    I love the reflection.
    My contribution...

  5. Your third photo is my fav.
    Coffee is on

  6. Beautiful and dramatic skies! Such a cool reflection shot. Glad you had a good 4th.

  7. No fireworks here, either. Well, not that I went to see. I could hear the various celebrations way into the night.

  8. Those first two are like Maxfield Parrish skies. Beautiful!

  9. Alana,

    The sky reflection in the puddle is very cool!


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