Thursday, July 4, 2019

Three Cheers for Independence

It is Independence Day here in the United States.

We like to say "Three cheers for the



and Blue (skies).

Our liberty - our country - is in danger even as I write these words.  We seem to have lost our way and each day our country seems more divided.

Today, I offer another viewpoint which I hope will make you think.  One is from a poet of the 20th century.  The other is my thoughts after reading that comic Arte Johnson passed away yesterday at the age of 90.  I enjoyed his characters on the TV show Laugh-In so much. 

The German soldier who always said "Verrrry interesting."

The show Laugh-In was one of the ways the United States dealt with the news of the late 60's and early 70's.  The Vietnam War, rampant inflation, the decline and fall (and almost-impeachment) of Richard Nixon, and more.  Sometimes things seemed hopeless.

But we always pulled through, somehow.

I can only hope that we weather the troubles of today and emerge stronger.

To my readers in the United States, may you have a happy Fourth of July.


  1. Love the floral tribute to the 4th.

  2. Happy Independence Day and thanks for linking to my Poetry Sunday post.

  3. Arte Johnson...Laugh In...good memories.

  4. We will weather the storm and emerge stronger, but it will be an uphill battle. With the electoral college instead of one vote per person, gerrymandering being enabled and voter suppression, it will take way more than it should, but I haven't lost my hope.

  5. A great post for the 4th!
    We do live in very troubling times.

  6. Loved Laugh in. I miss it. Happy 4th and let's hope the nation comes to its senses.

  7. Alana,

    Cool photo color arrangement for the good ole USA! The Laugh-in skit was silly and reminds me a bit of the cornfield skits done on Hee-Haw show. I love these old programs. I spent my childhood years watching the stuff. Now, you see why I'm so warpped. :D


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