Friday, August 9, 2019

Balloon Watch #SkywatchFriday

Pictures taken Sunday morning at the Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally at Otsiningo Park, Binghamton, New York.

Wouldn't you like to ride in one of these balloons? So far I haven't summoned the courage.  But I love watching the launches.

Watch them get ready and launch.

Watch them float upward.

Watch them disappear into clouds.
Watch them line up in the sky.

Watch them in shadow.

And if you are wondering what a spiedie is, it has nothing to do with balloons.  Rather it is marinated meat grilled and served on bread. 

They are the specialty food of our area - you will find them in few other places (except, perhaps, parts of North Carolina, where many Binghamton area people have settled.)

Here are some recipes.  

After you make some, why not join Yogi and the other bloggers who watch the sky at #SkywatchFriday?


  1. Beautiful!! I actually think I would like to try riding in a balloon some day.

  2. My sister-in-law and brother-in-law have lived in a lot of places, when they lived in Binghamton, Hubs and I visited them and wee introduced to the Spiedie. Delish.

  3. So beautiful. Must be a sight to behold.

  4. No, I don't think I'd want to ride in one of those. I'm rather acrophobic. I'm okay in enclosed spaces, but put me out in the open... I don't think I'd freak out, but I don't think I'd enjoy being up that high that open.

  5. I like the idea of a hot air balloon ride but I am not good with heights so I would probably chicken out. I love your photo's...I would of loved the opportunity to photograph this event as well.

  6. We used to have a large contingent of balloons and enthusiasts in our nearby city. I've not see any of them for a very long time.
    So thank you for sharing yours.
    And now I want some Spiedie!


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