Thursday, August 8, 2019

Guarding the Balloons #ThursdayTreeLove

So calm.  So peaceful.

This past Friday, Saturday and Sunday, a popular annual festival called the Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally was held in Otsiningo Park in Binghamton, New York.

Upwards of 60,000 people attended the festival this year - some years it's been 100,000 and if the weather on Saturday cooperated, we may have come close to that number.  But you would never know the size of crowds from this peaceful picture of hot air balloons soaring over a cluster of trees in this beautiful park.

I imagine the trees guard the hot air balloons, even as they provide welcome shade for many.

Join Parul at Happiness and Food and other bloggers each second and fourth Thursday for #ThursdayTreeLove.

(More Spiedie Fest pictures tomorrow).


  1. This is such an interesting festival! And the trees do seem to be guarding the balloons! :-)

  2. Alana, this is just a guess, but I think you might like joy air balloons...

    Beautiful photography, as always.

    And I’ve given myself an ear worm, a certain song by the 5th Dimension...

  3. Looks like it was a great festival.

  4. Wow! That sounds like a big festival and tree and balloons make a good combination. Thanks for sharing, Alana. See you on the 22nd.


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