Friday, January 3, 2020

Look Up From That Phone! #SkywatchFriday #blogboost

As I left for work yesterday, I wasn't sure if we would have a wonderful sunrise.  My instincts said "yes", but as the sun brightened the eastern horizon, I didn't know just how wonderful it would get.

As I walked to the bus stop, facing east, it was just beginning.

On the bus, as the driver drove east, the sunrise unfolded and even the driver remarked on how beautiful it was.  I was resigning myself to watching and not photographing because it is difficult to photograph on a bus.  But I looked around, and most of the other passengers were staring at their phones, oblivious.

I wanted to scream "People, LOOK OUT THE WINDOW!"

Well, I didn't scream.  Just whipped out my phone when we stopped for a light and used my phone for what it is intended for.  Photography. (OK, only kidding, my point of view is that a smart phone is a camera you can text and talk to other people on. And, oh yes, the Internet.)

As the driver drove, I photographed.  And people continued to stare at their phones.  Their loss.

This is what I saw as we drove east. (Please forgive the reflection towards the top of the photo from a fluorescent light.)

By the time I got to my bus stop in downtown Binghamton, the fireworks were over.
But it was still pretty.

Join Yogi and other sky watchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.

Day 3 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost


  1. Oh wow...great pictures. And most of the passengers oblivious.

  2. A true blogger you are ever ready with your camera (that you can call and text on) to record the sunrise. Good job!!

  3. Beautiful...unfort. folks are too glued to their phones to the beauty that is out there, smiles.

  4. Yes, Alana, that is, indeed, finding the beauty on a cloudy day.

  5. So typical, global phenomenon that is. Very nice sunset indeed!

  6. Wow!That's a gorgeous sunrise. Those people missed out! Thanks for sharing!

  7. So beautiful! I am always looking up because if there are cloud chances are the sunsets will be amazing! Love the colors!

  8. I love this post. I always look up! Seeking wonder everywhere is one of my mantras for daily inspired living. The sunrise here this morning was stunning.

  9. That's really a beautiful sky. Very sad that so many people can't seem to take their eyes off their phone to enjoy life. LOL at your description of a smart phone! Happy New Year!!

  10. Such beautiful colors, and such a shame that so many people miss out just by not looking up.

  11. wow, to miss that fire over stupid phone addiction...

  12. I love talking picture of the sunset as well as sunrise! I find that the colors are awesome and can really stand out.

    I used to travel to Binghamton frequently when I had friends at SUNY.

    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Sometimes I am amazed at how oblivious people are to the beauty around them.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Gotta thank the guy who first rigged a camera to his cell phone (for the birth of his first child).

  15. I love it when people look around and notice what's outside.

  16. Breathtaking - if we only look up as you so rightly point out!
    Thank you.

  17. Gorgeous photos! I love looking at the sky and clouds.

  18. Wow! Amazing colours!!
    I can so I feel the same when folks around are busy with their phones and miss such lovely views...


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