Friday, May 8, 2020

Cloudy or Sunny? #SkywatchFriday

It's Friday, and it's time to watch the sky.  Once again, I don't have any spectacular sunrise or sunset photos, but what I decided to do was run a Cloudy vs. Sunny battle.

Which sky would you prefer?  This sky?

Or this one? (Incidentally, the building in the distance in a couple of these is the middle school that Rod Serling of Twilight Zone fame attended, so many years ago.)  This sky is so blue.

A cloudy day in downtown Binghamton, New York, last summer, looking towards a historic downtown building.  But wait - wait about 15 minutes.
Whichever you prefer, I know you love spring flowers.

So I'll take you back to this spring and to another beautiful rare sunny day with the deep blue skies we are seeing recently.  This is still another view of the school Rod Serling attended.

But on a different empty field there that normally would have been filled with lacrosse players practicing is empty.  No touchdowns today, either.

And that's what our world is all about right now.  Sometimes gloom.  Sometimes the sun shines brightly.   The world changes day by day, and there is still beauty around us.

Join bloggers from all over the world at Yogi's #SkywatchFriday and see even more beauty.


  1. Interesting contrasts. I do like gloomy skies occasionally, but lately I prefer sunshine.

  2. I'll tell you, the skies have been quite odd lately...have a great day Alana.

  3. Just wait- we have snow for Mother's Day. MOTHER'S DAY!!!

  4. Kind of nice to have a mix of both! Have a nice and safe weekend.

  5. Good analogy of our current situation. Although I think the cloudy sky makes for a pretty picture, I'm always on the side of the sun.

  6. I like gloom when it's raining. Otherwise, it's just this ominous thing. But there is room for all skies. All blue skies would get boring.


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