Thursday, May 7, 2020

Time of Transition #ThursdayTreeLove

Spring is a time of transition.

Trees get that signal only they understand.  They yawn and stretch, lengthening days telling them it is time.  We can't see it, but the trees know that signal.  Finally, buds swell and break.  Flowers appear.

And then...come the leaves.  Leaves so brand-new green, against a sky so blue, a blue we normally see on a brutally cold day in the winter.  This is a special blue, coming from the Pause the tree's human neighbors are enduring.  Nature is being allowed to catch its breath.

And soon, the limbs of the trees, visible in the winter, will once again be clothed in leaves of green.

But sometimes, the plan goes wrong.

Our apple and pear trees are in full bloom. But we may have a hard freeze this weekend.  What that means is that the trees will drop their flowers.

If the flowers die, there will be no fruit.  We will, once again, realize how much we owe to our trees.  Beauty, lumber, and, most of for the soul, and for our bodies.

So this weekend, farmers here in upstate New York will be holding their breath.

Join Parul and other bloggers for #ThursdayTreeLove - NEXT WEEK, because, like so many others, I've lost track of the time and was thinking myself a week in the future.  Guess I'll just use this post!



  1. I’ll be holding my breath on your behalf

  2. Great transition photo of the tree ~ and hoping for more healing and growth ~

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Who knows what day it is in Quarantime, let alone what week...

  4. Hoping for healing. All the best!

  5. ...being a farmer in upstate New York is not for the faint of heart! Since I retired everyday feels like a Saturday, remember that all days end in Y!

  6. I love the fresh new green of spring!

    I hope the fruit trees survive the freeze.

  7. I hope the fruits survive. The tree looks happy and I love that green. Thank you, Alana. I shared this one too. Why should we not share tree love? :)
    See you tomorrow.


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